Sunday, May 11, 2008

Leahy and Hatch still pushing Orphan Works bill forward

While some groups still are asking people not to write to their congressman, this should show the urgency needed on this action. Now more than ever please contact your senaotrs through IPA's Capwiz site :

From CongressDaily PM reports:

"The Senate Judiciary Committee punted on a bill today that would rework a portion of U.S. copyright law. Republican members needed more time to review the measure, which was new on the agenda, a GOP aide said after the brief markup. The legislation would change a statute that governs "orphan works," which are musical tracks, writings, images, videos or other content whose owners cannot be easily located. Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy said he had hoped the panel would approve the bill, which is co-sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, a day after companion legislation passed the House Judiciary Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property Subcommittee."

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