Monday, June 30, 2008

Barney Frank on Orphan Works

Dear Mr. Dubrowski:

Thank you for contacting me in opposition to the Orphan Works
bills being considered by the House and Senate. I share your
opposition to this legislation as it stands, because I believe that it
would place an excessive financial burden and impose an undue
time commitment on small artists who try to protect their work.
The subsequent cost of copyright breaches for these small artists
would be devastating for those who cannot comply. On the other
hand, I must say I do agree with the intent of this legislation, and I
believe that it would be an important step for the artistic
community on the whole. Without appropriate changes made to
the problematic provisions of the bill, I will be unable to support it.
But if changes are made in a way that satisfies both the small
artists and the larger organizations, I will vote for it.


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